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In 1883, the Post Office Department designated a Catoosa post office, with John Schrimsher, an uncle of Will Rogers, as the postmaster. #CatoosaOKHistory
Image sourced from the Historical Marker Database: https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=52004.

The section of Rice St. between N. Cherokee St. and N. Bluff St. will be closed starting at 9:00am on Thursday, February 6th. Public Works will be in the area to repair a water main. Water in the area will not be turned off. Thank you for your patience.

The City of Catoosa is holding our city council meeting tonight, at 6:00 pm at City Hall. Meetings for Public Works Authority, Catoosa Industrial Authority, and Catoosa Economic Development Authority will follow. You can review the agendas here: https://www.cityofcatoosa.org/documents/agenda-center/523955
The City Council meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at City Hall at 6 p.m.

City Council meeting on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4TH at 6:00pm
City https://5il.co/36x3y
PWA https://5il.co/36x44
CIA https://5il.co/36x49
CEDA https://5il.co/36x4b

It's the perfect time to shop for someone special for Valentine's Day and our local shops and restaurants are open for business! Shopping local helps our economy with those tax dollars helping fund things like infrastructure and public safety projects. So support a small business, help support our city, and shop in Catoosa!

Happy Groundhog Day! Did you know predicting the weather utilizing groundhogs has been going on since the early 1800's? Historians found a reference in a diary from 1841 to groundhog weather forecasts in early February among families of German descent in Morgantown, Pennsylvania. Read more: https://apnews.com/article/groundhog-day-punxsutawney-pennsylvania-phil-winter-b037d58615f7b5f0007a7...

To aid in the repairing of the Cherokee Street water leak, the water will temporary be turned off in the Pine Street to Elm Street areas. Thank you for your continued patience as we work to fix this issue.

*Attention Catoosa Water Customers*
The City of Catoosa Public Works Department is working on an emergency water leak repair on Friday, January 31st on Cherokee Street. There will be water outages and customers can also expect low water pressure. The Public Works department is working diligently to have water restored as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.

Did you know? 55 degree water can be deadly. If you're visiting lakes this winter, wear your life vest and know how to protect yourself from dangerous cold shock and hypothermia with tips from the National Weather Service: https://www.weather.gov/safety/coldwater

The City of Catoosa is holding our city council meeting tonight, at 6:00 pm at City Hall. You can review the agenda here: https://www.cityofcatoosa.org/documents/agenda-center/city-council/city-council-2025/739638

The first Martin Luther King, Jr. Day occurred on January 20, 1986. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Luther_King_Jr._Day

City Council meeting TUESDAY, JANUARY 21st 6 p.m.
City https://5il.co/35ieh
PWA https://5il.co/35iek
CIA https://5il.co/35ier
CEDA https://5il.co/35iez

City offices will be closed on Monday, January 20th, for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Please see attached Resolution if you are interested in becoming a Catoosa City Council Member. If you have any questions, please contact the Rogers County Election Board at 918-341-2965 or visit their website https://rogerscountyelectionboard.org

If you haven't already recycled your holiday wrapping, boxes, etc., you can do so at the M.e.t. Recycling Center, located at 810 W. Ramm Road, Claremore, OK 74017. You can call them at 918-584-0584 with any questions.

Catoosa City Hall is closed today, Friday, January 10th.

This is a reminder that the funeral service for Capt. Jennifer Swarer will be held on Friday, January 10th at 10:30am at the Catoosa High School Activity Center. There may be traffic congestion and delays around this area from 10:00am - 12:00pm.

Kids are more susceptible to frostbite or frostnip than adults and it is important to let them know that when being outside in the cold becomes uncomfortable, it is time to come inside. #ColdWeatherTips

City Council meeting TUESDAY, JANUARY 7TH 6 p.m.
City https://5il.co/34a8f
PWA https://5il.co/34a8t
CIA https://5il.co/34a96
CEDA https://5il.co/34a9a